Teignmouth Coastwatch
The objective of the NCI is to assist in the protection and preservation of life at sea and along the coastline of the UK.
We are a volunteer organisation and can only do this with the help and support of our advertisers and you, the public. You can make a donation via the Sum Up button below.

Click here if you would like to Add Gift Aid
In August 2020, our website had over 65500 views which is around 2000 visitors every day. If you feel you would like these visitors to be aware of your company, you might like to consider placing an advert with us. For more details, please contact @ Webmaster.

Operating from our Lookout at Eastcliff, volunteer watchkeepers keep a lookout for persons or vessels in distress or difficulty. You can read more about us below.
We are on watch from 0800 -1800 in the summer months but operate reduced hours in the winter. See our contact page for details.
Why not drop in and visit us. You can also keep in touch via email @ Webmaster.
With our website we aim to be the primary source of information about all things maritime in Teignmouth.
August 24: We have decided to stop duplicating our news feed which now appears on our Facebook page. For convenience our Current News page shows the Facebook page stories.
See the complete news archive for items prior to August 24.
For information about the construction of our new lookout see the New Lookout - Project Diary page.
Eyes along the coast
We are here to keep an eye out for you when you venture out onto the sea and many of us know from experience just how much fun getting on, in or under the water can be so we've put together a few pages to help you get the most out of being "by the sea".
On our site you will find:
and under our menu item 'by the sea':
- Stay Safe - Tips to keep you safe while on or near the sea
- Watersports Clubs
- How to get on the Water
- Local Beach and Maritime Information
- Guide to Tides
Please email @ Webmaster to let us know what you think, tell us of any errors or of anything we have left out.
Who are we? What do we do?

Operating from the old Coastguard Station at Eastcliff, volunteer watchkeepers keep a lookout for persons or vessels in distress or difficulty 365 days a year.
HM Coastguard is responsibile for managing maritime rescue. It is the Coastguard that tasks lifeboats, helicopters and cliff rescue teams to go to someone's assistance.

Coastwatch is an integral part of the National Search and Rescue Structure and our watchkeepers are trained to be aware of local conditions, to anticipate situations and to report accurately and clearly to the Coastguard whenever they spot a problem. This enables the Coastguard to respond promptly, with confidence and with a reliable set of eyes to keep them informed.
If you are planning to take a craft to sea off Teignmouth you can give us a call; we will be happy to provide a report of local conditions and today's inshore waters forecast.
Call us on 01626 772377 or VHF Channel 65, call sign - Teignmouth NCI.
We are on watch 365 days a year - full details of our watch hours
Coastwatch receives no public funding and is entirely dependent on donations.
Read more about Teignmouth NCI and discover ways to offer your support.
Please give generously to help us fund our Lookout